Bunbury Mail

5 Excellent monkey bars exercise activities

Here are the five excellent exercises for your kids to do on the monkey bars. Picture Shutterstock
Here are the five excellent exercises for your kids to do on the monkey bars. Picture Shutterstock

This article is in partnership with Vuly.

Like any activity, start cautiously and gain intensity. Choose any order and repeat these exercises as many times as you choose. Try to make your kids have fun without pressuring them. Here are the five excellent exercises for your kids to do on the monkey bars:

1. Dead hang

The Dead Hang is an excellent introductory activity for kids starting on the monkey bars. Essentially, the Dead Hang involves gripping the bar tightly and simply hanging there for as long as possible.

Although it may seem straightforward, this exercise stimulates a variety of muscle groups, including those in the arms, shoulders, and back.

In addition to increasing strength, it also strengthens the grasp, which is a crucial ability for using the monkey bars. Remember, the goal isn't to swing or move; just hang! The longer they can hang, the stronger they are getting.

2. Hanging leg raises

Hanging leg raises is another fantastic exercise that can be done on the monkey bars. While holding onto the bars, your children will raise their legs in front of them, engaging their core muscles as well as strengthening their grip.

This is a perfect exercise for enhancing their abdominal strength and overall balance. Keep in mind to remind your little ones to raise and lower their legs straight and at a controlled and steady pace.

Although this exercise can be difficult, with regular practice, kids will be able to master it and enjoy it. In this approach, students will grow more assured of their skills and motivated to keep pushing themselves.

3. Lateral moving pull-ups

Lateral moving pull-ups are more challenging but rewarding monkey bar exercises. This activity not only strengthens the arms and upper body but also improves coordination and agility.

Kids begin this exercise by gripping the monkey bars firmly and then pulling up their bodies as they move laterally across the bars. The key here is to maintain the pull-up position while moving sideways.

It's a tough exercise for sure, but with time, kids will master it and gain more strength and confidence. Remember, it's not about speed but rather about controlled and purposeful movements.

4. Skip-a-bar

The Skip-A-Bar exercise is a fun and challenging way to add a twist to the usual monkey bar routine. To do this, kids must aim to skip a bar every time they swing forward.

This exercise not only helps to improve arm and grip strength but also enhances spatial awareness and coordination. Additionally, it's a fantastic strategy to promote a sensation of accomplishment because they'll require a little more drive and self-assurance to attain the next bar.

Remind them to move at their own pace and to not give up if they don't succeed the first few times. It's all a part of learning and is enjoyable.

5. Side swing

The side swing is the last, but definitely not the least fun, exercise activity on our list. It's an exciting way to get your kids moving on the monkey bars. This one requires kids to hold the bar with both hands and swing left to right while maintaining their grip.

These work wonders for improving their core strength and balance. Plus, the spinning motion adds a level of fun and excitement, keeping the kids engaged and eager to swing some more.

Just remind them to keep a firm grip on the bars and not to swing too wildly. It's all about controlled movement and having a blast. With this, your kids are sure to have a good time while getting a great workout.

Final thoughts

Monkey bars are an excellent way to keep your kids active and healthy. Not only do they provide a fun and challenging workout, but they also help build strength, balance, agility, and coordination. Also, it gives an opportunity to have fun with the family and bond while exercising.

So consider the exercise activities above and incorporate them into your kids' playtime routine. And always remember, it's not about pushing your kids to their limits, but rather encouraging them to have fun and enjoy being active.